Murdoch censors MySpace

Traprock Homepage Get out of MySpace, bloggers rage at Murdoch London independent | January 9 2006 full article – requires payment See also commentary on this issue by Angry members of MySpace, the personal file-sharing website for young adults, are accusing Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation of censoring their postings and blocking their access to… Continue reading Murdoch censors MySpace


Bush Requests Funds for US Base Construction in Iraq

Traprock Homepage Bush’s Requests for Iraqi Base Funding Make Some Wary of Extended Stay By Peter Spiegel, Times Staff Writer March 24, 2006 WASHINGTON — Even as military planners look to withdraw significant numbers of American troops from Iraq in the coming year, the Bush administration continues to request hundreds of millions of dollars for… Continue reading Bush Requests Funds for US Base Construction in Iraq


IDF Officer Fears Arrest Cancels UK Trip

Traprock Homepage IDF Officer Cancels UK Trip for fear of arrest for war crimes. Judge Advocate-General Brigadier-General Avichai Mendelblit recommends Brigadier-General Aviv Kochavi cancel studies leave for fear he will be arrested for alleged war crimes by Hanan Greenberg IDF Gaza division commander, Brigadier-General Aviv Kochavi, has cancelled a leave to study in England, fearing… Continue reading IDF Officer Fears Arrest Cancels UK Trip


Coalition for Indigenous Sovereignty – Call to Action: Prevent Military and Police Incursion on Mohawk Territories on April 1

Traprock Homepage URGENT CALL TO ACTION TO PREVENT MILITARY AND POLICE INCURSION ON MOHAWK TERRITORIES Please forward this email to your networks. If your group has a website, we would be grateful if you posted this call. March 2006 The Coalition in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty – Native Caucus is asking that you take some… Continue reading Coalition for Indigenous Sovereignty – Call to Action: Prevent Military and Police Incursion on Mohawk Territories on April 1


Demos merge in San Francisco on March 27th

Traprock Homepage On March 27th two separate demonstrations merged in downtown San Francisco. One was for immigrants rights; the other against the war. See entire report


Texas Peace March – Irving to Crawford

Traprock Homepage FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Mar. 24, 2006 Contacts – March info: Valley Reed (214) 288-8935 ExxonMobil info: Nick Mottern (914) 806 -6179 March website ExxonMobil War Boycott site APRIL TEXAS PEACE MARCH, ENDORSED BY CINDY SHEEHAN, HOWARD ZINN, TO ALSO CALL ON EXXONMOBIL TO “RETURN” $7 BILLION IN WAR PROFITS A… Continue reading Texas Peace March – Irving to Crawford


From Protest to Resistance – Campus Antiwar Network

Traprock Homepage FROM PROTEST TO RESISTANCE Regional Student Antiwar Conferences Sponsored by the Campus Antiwar Network Recently the US government has stepped up its bombing campaign in Samara to the highest level of intensity since the onset of the war. Even though public support has turned against the war and active resistance has begun… Continue reading From Protest to Resistance – Campus Antiwar Network


Free Speech and Dissent on Campus

Traprock Homepage Campus Antiwar Network website Free Speech and Dissent on Campus in the Age of the ‘War on Terror’ WHEN: Thursday, March 30, 2006: 3:30pm – 5:00pm WHERE: Lecture Hall North, 1 Pace Plaza 2nd Floor, Pace University NYC Given Pace University’s threatened expulsion of two students for using their constitutionally guaranteed Right to… Continue reading Free Speech and Dissent on Campus


5th NRC Commissioner Objected to Immediate nuke power boost

Traprock Homepage New England Coalition Alert Dear NEC Members: So why did NRC’s fifth Commissioner, Gregory Jaczko, object to immediate implementation of Vermont Yankee’s power boost? His letter of dissent is attached. NEC’s appeal for a stay of the uprate approval until legitimate safety concerns are investigated by the ASLB is a critical piece of… Continue reading 5th NRC Commissioner Objected to Immediate nuke power boost
