Cirincione: Time For Clear Public Understanding of Iranian Threat

Traprock homepage Interviewee: Joseph Cirincione Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor Council on Foreign Relations April 4, 2006 “I believe a military strike would consolidate the hold of the Islamic government, not loosen it. If you want to keep President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad in power for the next five years, launch a strike on an Iranian facility.… Continue reading Cirincione: Time For Clear Public Understanding of Iranian Threat


Bush’s Nuclear Option

Traprock homepage “On the brighter side, there are limits to the U.S. military’s loyalty to Mr. Bush, and high-ranking American military officers have stated that they are adamantly opposed to the use of bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapons (i.e., so-called “mini-nukes”). Moreover, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has publicly stated that the idea of a nuclear… Continue reading Bush’s Nuclear Option


Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb?

Traprock Homepage by Seymour M. Hersh New Yorker Magazine Issue of 2008-04-17 The Bush Administration, while publicly advocatin diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclea weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran an intensified planning for a possible major air attack. Current an former American military and intelligence officials said that Ai… Continue reading Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb?


Call to Support May 1 2006 Great American Boycott for Immigrant Rights

*A Call to Support the May 1 2006 Great American Boycott for Immigrant Rights* *Rally & March Monday, May 1 4:00 pm Union Square* Support the Fight for Immigrant Workers’ Rights Justice for Hurricane Katrina Survivors The People United Will Never Be Defeated!* Dear Sisters and brothers, We call on you to endorse and organize… Continue reading Call to Support May 1 2006 Great American Boycott for Immigrant Rights


Stop the War Coalition Newsletter

STOP THE WAR COALITION NEWSLETTER No 2006/8: April 6 Email Telephone 020 7278 6694 Web: ************************************************* IN THIS NEWSLETTER 1) MILITARY FAMILIES LOBBY PARLIAMENT 2) A CARNIVAL OF CONDI PROTESTS 3) BUSH BLAIR CORPORATION 4) A STANDARD FOR ANTI-WAR ACTIVISM 5) STOP THE WAR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 6) FUNDING APPEAL ************************************************* 1) MILITARY FAMILIES… Continue reading Stop the War Coalition Newsletter


Who Benefits from Immigration Bans?

Traprock Homepage Who benefits from immigration bans? By Paul D’Amato | March 31, 2006 IN THE global capitalist economy, corporations are constantly pushing for a virtually borderless world market when it comes to investment, taxation and tariffs. But whereas capital is relatively free to cross borders, labor is not. Here we find myriad legal restrictions… Continue reading Who Benefits from Immigration Bans?


Puerto Rico sues FBI for stonewalling probe of independentista’s murder

Traprock Homepage Puerto Rico sues FBI for stonewalling probe of independentista’s murder By Bill Van Auken 30 March 2006 The government of Puerto Rico went to federal court last week, accusing the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Justice Department of obstructing justice by stonewalling a local investigation of the FBI’s killing of a… Continue reading Puerto Rico sues FBI for stonewalling probe of independentista’s murder


Federal Judge Rules Army Cannot Deploy Soldier Applying For Conscientious Objector Status

Traprock Homepage Army Cannot Deploy Soldier Applying For Conscientious Objector Status, Federal Judge Rules March 20, 2006 — A federal district court has ordered the U.S. Army not to deploy to Afghanistan a soldier who has a pending application for Conscientious Objector (C.O.) status. See full article at NYCLU website. Download copy of court… Continue reading Federal Judge Rules Army Cannot Deploy Soldier Applying For Conscientious Objector Status
