November 5, 2007: This website is an archive of the former website,, which was created 10 years ago by Charles Jenks. It became one of the most populace sites in the US, and an important resource on the antiwar movement, student activism, 'depleted' uranium and other topics. Jenks authored virtually all of its web pages and multimedia content (photographs, audio, video, and pdf files. As the author and registered owner of that site, his purpose here is to preserve an important slice of the history of the grassroots peace movement in the US over the past decade. He is maintaining this historical archive as a service to the greater peace movement, and to the many friends of Traprock Peace Center. Blogs have been consolidated and the calendar has been archived for security reasons; all other links remain the same, and virtually all blog content remains intact.
THIS SITE NO LONGER REFLECTS THE CURRENT AND ONGOING WORK OF TRAPROCK PEACE CENTER, which has reorganized its board and moved to Greenfield, Mass. To contact Traprock Peace Center, call 413-773-7427 or visit its site. Charles Jenks is posting new material to, a multimedia blog and resource center.Search site - New! Calendar - Calendar Archive
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Special Coverage
Socialism 2006 Conference
June 22-25, 2006, New York CityOver 1500 people attended this 4 day Socialism 2006 conference in New York, held at Columbia University. See coverage with transcripts at Socialist Worker. We present audio coverage of the Saturday night rally and panels. (Photo: Ahmed Shawki, Editor of International Socialist Review with Nativo Lopez, President of Mexican American Political Association. © 2006 Charles Jenks)
Defense lawyer Lynne Stewart - who is facing 30 years in prison after being unjustly convicted of aiding terrorism - joined Mostafa Omar, founding member of the Committee on Solidarity for the New Movement for Democracy in Egypt; former death row prisoner Shujaa Graham, Mexican American Political Association President Nativo López, and International Socialist Review editor Ahmed Shawki as speakers to the rally. Over 1000 attended the rally, which was moderated by Sherry Wolf, a member of the International Socialist Review editorial board.
There were 3 days of panels and workshops; it was impossible for us to record all the great programs. We picked several to record: the panel on "Free Speech and the Movement Against Military Recruitment" with Campus Antiwar Network students Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (NYU) and Charles Peterson (Holyoke Community College), with Charles Jenks of Traprock Peace Center; "The Myth of Humanitarian Intervention" with Jeremy Scahill; "Iraq: Graveyard of U.S. imperialism?" with Annie Zirin and Michael Letwin; and "Soldiers and Familes Against the War" with Iraq War veterans Kelly Dougherty, Camilo Mejia and Pablo Paredes. Speaker bios are found at
Audio produced by Traprock is available for radio airplay, without prior permission, provided that the radio station notifies Traprock of the airing and provides attribution to Traprock Peace Center and Socialism 2006 sponsors, and notes during broadcast that all rights are reserved. All other public use requires prior permission. Individuals may download mp3 audio files for private use only.
Socialism 2006 was sponsored by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books. It was co-sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker and Obrero Socialista.
Audio programs (all mp3 audio, recorded at 64 kbps mono):
If the program does not play during download, try right clicking the link and saving the mp3 to your computer, and then playing it after download.Panels:
Jeremy Scahill on the Myth of Humanitarian Intervention 47:08 minutes - 21.6 mg - June 24, 2006.
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Charles Peterson and Charles Jenks (moderated by Monique Dols) on "Free Speech and the Movement Against Military Recruitment" 63:26 minutes - 29.1 mg - June 23, 2006. (We hope to add photos of this panel later.) Charles Jenks' prepared remarks.
Annie Zirin and Michael Letwin on "Iraq: Graveyard of U.S. imperialism?" 58:29 minutes - 26.8 mg - June 24, 2006.
Kelly Dougherty, Camilo Mejia and Pablo Paredes (moderated by Eric Ruder) on "Soldiers and Familes Against the War" 69:18 minutes - 31.8 mg - June 24, 2006.
Socialism 2006 Rally:
Sherry Wolf, Mostafa Omar, Lynne Stewart, Shujaa Graham, Nativo Lopez and Ahmed Shawki speaking at the Socialism 2006 conference rally 78:55 minutes - 36.2 mg - June 24, 2006.
Attorney Lynne Stewart speaking on the need to defend and support movement lawyers. MP3 audio - 14:26 min
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now © 2006 Charles Jenks
Annie Zirin, Western Mass activist and Michael Letwin, co-founder of New York City Labor Against the War © 2006 Charles Jenks
Kelly Dougherty, founding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War; Camilo Mejia; Pablo Paredes and moderator Eric Ruder, reporter for Socialist Worker newspaper. © 2006 Charles Jenks
An enthusiastic audience of over 1000 gathered for the Saturday night rally. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Sherry Wolf, moderated the rally. She is an editor of the International Socialist Review. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Lynne Stewart is a radical human rights attorney who has been falsely accused and convicted of aiding terrorists, and now faces 30 years in prison at her sentencing this September 25th in NYC. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Shujaa Graham is a former death row prisoner who spent twelve years behind bars in California, four of them on death row, before he was finally exonerated and set free. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Nativo López is president of the Mexican American Political Association and a spokesperson for the Great American Boycott 2006—a national day of action for immigrant rights on May 1, 2006. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Ahmed Shawki and Nativo Lopez. © 2006 Charles Jenks
Nativo Lopez and Lynne Stewart © 2006 Charles Jenks
Ahmed Shawki is editor of International Socialist Review and the author of Black Liberation and Socialism (Haymarket, 2006). © 2006 Charles Jenks
See coverage with transcripts at Socialist Worker.
Speaker bios are found at
Page created by Charlie Jenks