Much Ado About Nothing By Christine Lane It took Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the full weight of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) less than one week to remove 8,500 illegal settlers from that sliver of Palestinian land known as the Gaza Strip. For the past years they have commandeered the best real estate… Continue reading Much Ado About Nothing
Author: Chuckjones
Update on Vernon, VT Nuclear Waste Storage Debate
All: An account of Sept. 20 PSB meeting follows. An edited version may appear in the Montague Reporter. PSB member David Coen said it is important for people to write letters and get their neighbors to write letters so the Board (two lawyers who really are, absurdly, the Court of last Resort) may hear directly… Continue reading Update on Vernon, VT Nuclear Waste Storage Debate
Fadi Madi and the Suppression of Muslim and Arab Thought
Fadi Madi and the Suppression of Muslim and Arab Thought By Genevieve Cora Fraser He resides in Lebanon, deported from his adopted home in Germany. Though the injustice of his arrest and deportation has been cleared by a German Court, he continues to live in a forced separation from his German wife. He once was… Continue reading Fadi Madi and the Suppression of Muslim and Arab Thought
September E-Newsletter
It’s still SUMMER – And the News sizzles. Traprock Peace Center 103A Keets Road, Deerfield, MA 01342 More at NATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS: BRING THE MASS GUARD HOME! What a privilege to sign that document. On Sept 7 the Mass. Attorney General approved the language we helped submit for a ballot initiative to bring the Mass.… Continue reading September E-Newsletter