Call to Support May 1 2006 Great American Boycott for Immigrant Rights

*A Call to Support the May 1 2006
Great American Boycott for Immigrant Rights*

*Rally & March
Monday, May 1
4:00 pm
Union Square*

Support the Fight for Immigrant Workers’ Rights
Justice for Hurricane Katrina Survivors
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!*

Dear Sisters and brothers,

We call on you to endorse and organize for the May 1 Great American
Boycott 2006 in support of Amnesty and full rights for undocumented
workers called by the March 25th Coalition Against HR4437 and many other
immigrant organizations. /(The May 1 national call is included below)/.
In NYC, The May 1 Great American Boycott 2006 Coalition will rally and
march on Monday, May 1 starting at 4:00 pm in UNION SQUARE, on 14th
Street in Manhattan.

Be in the Streets on April 10, the national day of action in support of
immigrant rights, and in NYC on April 29 for the March for Peace,
Justice, and Democracy � and then on to May 1.

This is an issue that all working people and progressive organizations
must embrace. The struggle for immigrant rights is a vital part of the
struggle against racism and repression, and for the full rights of all
working people. Let’s all be in the streets on May 1 in support of the
call coming from the Los Angeles March 25th Coalition Against HR4437.
Organize local protests on May 1. Organize boycotts and student
walkouts. Connect local issues that you�re organizing around with the
struggle for Immigrant Rights. We strongly encourage all who are
organizing May 1 events to make sure that their program and demands
reflect solidarity with immigrant workers and Hurricane Katrina
Survivors. Let�s build on the unity and momentum. To Endorse the NYC May
1st Action…

The NY Area May 1 Great American Boycott Supporters

*_How you can help:_

Endorse May 1 in NYC


List your local activity

Donate * to help with
organizing expenses for NYC Union Sq. May 1*

*Un llamado en apoyo al 1� de mayo de 2006
�El Gran Paro Americano� por Derechos Inmigrantes

Reuni�n y Marcha
Lunes 1� de mayo
4:00 pm
Union Square

Respalde la lucha por derechos de obreros inmigrantes
Justicia para sobrevivientes del hurac�n Katrina
�El Pueblo Unido Jam�s ser� vencido!

Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos,

Le invitamos a endosar y a organizar para �El Gran Paro Americano 2006�
�ste 1� de mayo en apoyo a amnist�a y derechos completos por
trabajador@s indocumentad@s llamado por March 25th Coalition Against
HR4437 y muchas otras organizaciones inmigrantes. /(El llamado nacional
del 1� de mayo es incluido abajo)/. En la ciudad de Nueva York, la
coalici�n del 1� de mayo del Gran Paro Americano 2006 se reunir� y
marchar� el lunes 1� de mayo comenzando a las 4:00 P.M. en �UNION
SQUARE� en la calle 14 en Manhattan.

Mant�nganse en las calles el 10 de abril, el d�a nacional de acci�n
respaldando derechos inmigrantes, tambi�n el 29 de abril en la ciudad de
Nueva York en la marcha por la Paz, Justicia, y Democracia – y luego al
1� de mayo.

�ste es un asunto que todo el pueblo obrero y organizaciones progresivas
deben abrazar. La lucha por derechos inmigrantes es una parte vital de
la lucha contra el racismo y la represi�n, y por derechos completos del
pueblo trabajador. Tod@s estemos en las calles el 1� de mayo en apoyo al
llamado que viene de la coalici�n de Los �ngeles llamado March 25th
Coalition Against HR4437. Organicen protestas locales �ste 1� de mayo.
Organicen paros y huelgas estudiantiles. Hagan esos enlaces de asuntos
locales que usted est� organiz�ndose con la lucha por derechos
inmigrantes. Animamos fuertemente a tod@s l@s que est�n organizando los
acontecimientos del 1� de mayo que est�n cierto que su programa y
demandas reflejen solidaridad con trabajador@s inmigrantes y
sobrevivientes del hurac�n de Katrina. D�jenos construir en la unidad y
la energ�a. Para Endosar la acci�n del 1� de mayo en NYC…

Partidarios Del Gran Paro Americano 1� de Mayo �rea Nueva York


/*National Call*/



“Un dia sin immigrante” “A day without an immigrant”

Nationwide Immigrant General Strike*

Immigrants contribute 7 billion in social security per year. they earn
240 billion, report 90 billion, and only are reimbursed 5 billion,
“where are the 85 billion?” They also contribute to the U.S. economy 25
billion more than they receive in healthcare, etc., etc., etc. According
to the anti-immigrant politicians and hatemongers, “immigrants are a
drain on society.” If this is true, then during the day on May 1st the
stock market will surge, and the economy will boom. If not, we prove
them wrong once and for all. We know what will happen!

Therefore, the “March 25th Coalition against HR4437 in Los Angeles,” the
organizers of the mega march of almost 2 million on March 25th, has
called for an emergency videoconferenced meeting on April 8th between
Los Angeles and any city that wishes to join the efforts toward “El
Gran Paro Americano 2006.” The following meeting will take place in
Chicago on April 22nd, we ask that all that wish to participate and be a
part of a national effort on May 1st and beyond, to attend by finding
facilities in your areas that can hold the meeting, technologically.

The points of unity are: No Work, No School, No Sales, and No Buying,
and also to have rallies around symbols of economic trade in your areas
(stock exchanges, anti-immigrant corporations, etc.).

Cities across the United States have marched during the week, therefore,
in essence observing a regional boycott, which is only felt regionally.
The March 25th Coalition against HR4437, calls for these regions to
develop a national network that will “connect the dots.” We believe with
numbers we have power, the power currently necessary to keep the
pressure on the White House to propose provisions that are just and fair
for all immigrants.

We will settle for nothing less than full amnesty and dignity for the
millions of undocumented workers presently in the U.S. We believe that
increased enforcement is a step in the wrong direction and will only
serve to facilitate more tragedies along the Mexican-U.S. border in
terms of deaths and family separation.

More details to come… Keep your eye on

and or write to

and any tax deductible donations should be made to:

La Hermandand
Mexicana, 7915 Van Nuys Blvd. Panorama City, CA 91402.

Please organize your areas, and join this monumental event that will put
our mark on U.S. history.

*Endorse the May 1 General Strike >> Click Here