Please join me & PHRF Coalition members at the Rally & March for the Right to Return, A Protected Vote & Reconstruction
Meet: THIS SATURDAY APRIL 1 at 8:30 AM at Convention Center Blvd and Calliope. We will have signs and PHRF t-shirts for those who join us.
Music and speeches by local and nationally known leaders and performers including Bill Cosby, George Porter, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Rev. Al Sharpton, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, State Senator Cleo Fields, and others. Food and beverages will be available.
For more information, call the PHRF office at 504-301-0215. On the day of, call Adriana (504) 218-9297 or Khalil 504-296-6516.
[from Bill Quigley in Louisiana]