November 5, 2007: This website is an archive of the former website,, which was created 10 years ago by Charles Jenks. It became one of the most populace sites in the US, and an important resource on the antiwar movement, student activism, 'depleted' uranium and other topics. Jenks authored virtually all of its web pages and multimedia content (photographs, audio, video, and pdf files. As the author and registered owner of that site, his purpose here is to preserve an important slice of the history of the grassroots peace movement in the US over the past decade. He is maintaining this historical archive as a service to the greater peace movement, and to the many friends of Traprock Peace Center. Blogs have been consolidated and the calendar has been archived for security reasons; all other links remain the same, and virtually all blog content remains intact. THIS SITE NO LONGER REFLECTS THE CURRENT AND ONGOING WORK OF TRAPROCK PEACE CENTER, which has reorganized its board and moved to Greenfield, Mass. To contact Traprock Peace Center, call 413-773-7427 or visit its site. Charles Jenks is posting new material to, a multimedia blog and resource center.
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See also "What does the US Government know about DU?
FOIA - US Navy knew of DU risks - May 14, 1984 doc.
Los Alamos and D.N.A. memosDepleted Uranium (DU) Munitions
COL J. Edgar Wakayama
August, 2002Read this report for the military's own view on risks to health and the environment.
Download PDF version of PowerPoint Presentation
Traprock site ( 2.6 mg) -
Traprock has a copy on its site in the event that it 'disappears' from DTIC site. Remember the Futures Market program that DOD pulled from its site?People with low bandwidth may prefer the RTF file (easy down load - test only)
Official download - Defense Technical Information Center -
Presented at the The 5th Annual Testing and Training Symposium & Exhibition
19 - 22 August 2002 (table of contents)
Among its warnings, the report recognizes that it is not safe to leave shell fragments in the body as per US military policy; warns that uranium would be solubilized and redistribute to various tissues as early as one day after implantation; highlights the special risks faced by children in the battle area, with risks to water and food supplies; recognizes risks of cancer, lung fibrosis, and DNA damage from DU deposited in bones.
The report recommends health monitoring of children, soldiers and civilians; epidemiological monitoring of cancer incidents of soldiers (what about civilians and soldiers' children?), including urine uranium testing, kidney function tests and neurological evaluations; removal of heavily contaminated soil in areas populated with civilians; and long term water and milk sampling in imact site.
One Recommendation is missing. Stop the production, stockpiling and use of 'depleted' uranium munitions.
Select Sections (see links above for entire report)
Emerging Medical Management Issues:
-During the Persian Gulf War, a number ofEmerging Environmental Concerns Include:
allied military personnel internalized DU
fragments as a result of several friendly fire
incidents (only the allied forces possessed
DU munitions).
-The three major routes of human exposure
to DU are:a. Wounding by shrapnel,1. At that time, existing DoD fragments
b. Inhalation (lungs and thoracic lymph nodes),
c. Ingestion (most among children playing and
eating contaminated soil and contaminated
drinking water and food in the community).
removal guidelines indicated that shrapnel be
remained in place unless they cause future
health threat.
2. Because DU is still radioactive, studies
were performed in rats with embedded DU
3. Indicated that uranium would be
solubilized and redistribute to various tissues
as early as one day after implantation.
4. As expected, the highest uranium
concentrations were in kidneys and bone.
5. Other tissues also showed significantly
higher levels.
6. Urine samples containing uranium
showed mutagenic as determined by the
Ames test.
7. The cultured human stem bone cell line
with DU also transformed the cells to
become carcinogenic.
8. Because of these findings, there are
proposed changes in the DU shrapnel
removal policy. For example, it is now
advised that DU fragments greater than 1 cm
be removed unless the medical risk is
determined to be too grave.
9. The other significant changes include a
procedure to detect the presence of DU in the
metal fragments and treatment guidelines.– A significant exposure to DU amongRadiation Health Effects:
children playing in the impact sites by
ingesting heavily-contaminated soil,
– Slow leaching of DU in local water
supplies over years,
– Consuming DU contaminated food
sources (animals and plants).– Inhalation exposure (major effect): Lungs andFuture Studies/Recommendations:
thoracic lymph nodes;
– The lifetime risk of lung cancer in general
population: 1:250 for non-smoker, and 1:6 for
cigarette smokers;
– Soldiers on battlefield: Estimated lung cancer:
<1:40,000 (The Royal Society Report, March 2002)
– The most heavily exposed soldier: Estimated lung
cancer for the most worst-case to be about 1:15,
but more likely 1:1,000 surviving in a struck tank
(The Royal Society Report, March 2002);
– DU can be deposited in bone causing DNA damage
by the effects of the alpha particles;
– A large inhalation of dust (without radiations):
Long-term respiratory effects (Lung fibrosis, in
addition to risk of lung cancer).
– Immune deficiency: Negligible effect (The Royal
Society Report, March 2002);
– An extra risk of death from leukemia and other
cancers: Insignificant and much lower than that of
lung cancer (The Royal Society Report, March
2002).a. Monitoring of kidney function and urine
uranium levels among children,
peacekeepers, and inhabitants.
b. Epidemiological monitoring of cancer
incidents among soldiers surviving
during friendly fire and soldiers working for
protracted periods in heavily contaminated
vehicles, including urine uranium testing,
kidney function tests, and neurological
c. Heavily contaminated soil should be
removed if the area is to be populated
with civilians.
d. Long-term annual water and milk
sampling for DU levels in the impact site.
Thank you to "Amarierosa," c/o DU Watch Yahoo Groups, for bringing this to our attention.
Page created February 13, 2004 by Charlie Jenks