Students Speak Out Against the War

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Campus Antiwar Network

Our Generation Says No!

Students Speak Out Against the War
Saturday, April 29 — 5:00 PM
following the anti-war march

As part of the
East Coast Student Antiwar Conference,
come to a historic panel featuring 5 students with unique stories to tell about why they are resisting the war in Iraq:

ANURADHA BHAGWATI, a student at the Kennedy School of Government and a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. She also co-founded the Palestine Awareness Committee at her school.

BENJAMIN EAGLE-STATON, a student at the Borough of Manhattan Community College and a leader in the BMCC Muslim Students Association. He has spoken out against the war and the racist attacks on Muslims, Arabs and immigrants.

TARIQ KHAN, a student at George Mason University and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force who was assaulted and arrested for peacefully protesting military recruiters on his campus. A student-led activist defense campaign led to the charges against him being dropped.

JOSE VASQUEZ, a student at the CUNY Graduate Center and the President of the NYC chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War. He is a conscientious objector who is helping to build a grassroots movement of soldiers against the war.

ELIZABETH WRIGLEY-FIELD, a student at NYU and a member of the national coordinating committee of the Campus Antiwar Network. She writes frequently about counter-recruitment and student activism, and has spoken around the country and at the 2006 World Social Forum in Venezuela.

Sponsored by the Campus Antiwar Network and Iraq Veterans Against the War – NYC.
To cosponsor, email

Saturday, April 29 at 5 PM
Auditorium, Borough of Manhattan Community College
199 Chambers St.
Subway: 1/2/3/A/C/E to Chambers
Or walk over from Foley Square after the protest (very close!)

This plenary is part of the “FROM PROTEST TO RESISTANCE: REAL STRATEGIES FOR ENDING THE WAR IN IRAQ” East Coast Student Anti-War Conference, sponsored by the Campus Antiwar Network.

Over the past year, the student movement has won tremendous victories: kicking military recruiters off a dozen campuses, successfully preventing students at nine schools from being expelled for peaceful protest, and much more. Yet we also face enormous tasks ahead of us, as the U.S. government makes it clear that it intends to stay in Iraq for years to come — and maybe even to spread the war to Iran. This conference is a chance for students from around the East Coast to come together to discuss the highlights, successes and challenges of our movement — and how we can build a true resistance that will bring the troops home now!

To participate in the conference, join us earlier on Saturday, April 29 for a “College Not Combat!” student contingent in the March for Peace, Justice and Democracy, then come to the “Our Generation Says No!” plenary in the evening, followed by an informal party. On Sunday April 30, join us at Teacher’s College at Columbia University for workshops, discussions of the successes and challenges of the student antiwar movement, and student organizing sessions.

For more information, visit
or email us at

CAN Weekend Conference details.