The Great Rutgers Walkout

The Great Rutgers Walkout!!! By: Ian Chinich New Brunswick, New Jersey March 20, 2007 At Rutgers University today, business was not as usual. At 1:30 pm students started filing out of their campuses to join the antiwar rally going on at the Vietnam memorial to mark the fourth anniversary of the war. The approximately 400… Continue reading The Great Rutgers Walkout

Defend Texas antiwar students in trouble

Traprock Homepage Campus Antiwar Network *** please forward and circulate widely *** ANTIWAR STUDENTS NEED YOUR HELP Rally: Stop the Attacks on Antiwar Student Organization Friday, May 5, 10:00 AM University of Texas Campus, SSB building The Campus Antiwar Movement to End the Occupation (CAMEO), an student antiwar group at the University of Texas, is… Continue reading Defend Texas antiwar students in trouble

From Protest to Resistance: CAN’s East Coast Conference Report

Traprock Homepage Campus Antiwar Network Report from CAN’s EAST COAST STUDENT ANTIWAR CONFERENCE Held in New York City, April 29-30 by Steve Jackson (UMD), Heather Squire (Brooklyn College), and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (NYU), with help from Wes Hannah (Cornell) See photos and video coming soon at The theme of the conference was FROM PROTEST TO… Continue reading From Protest to Resistance: CAN’s East Coast Conference Report

Open letter from the antiwar movement to SFSU President Corrigan

President Robert A. Corrigan, Ph.D. San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-1381 Dear Dr. Corrigan: On Friday, April 14 ten SFSU students protested military recruitment at the university’s career fair. Campus police interrupted their protest and physically took the students from the school’s gymnasium where they were protesting.… Continue reading Open letter from the antiwar movement to SFSU President Corrigan

Open Letter from the antiwar movement to SFSU President Corrigan

Please sign the open letter on-line President Robert A. Corrigan, Ph.D. San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-1381 Dear Dr. Corrigan: On Friday, April 14 ten SFSU students protested military recruitment at the university’s career fair. Campus police interrupted their protest and physically took the students from the… Continue reading Open Letter from the antiwar movement to SFSU President Corrigan

SFSU students back but disciplinary proceedings expected

Traprock Homepage The SFSU administration has allowed the ten back on campus, but further discipline is expected. Please Call and email The President and Dean of Students to demand that no further disciplinary actions be brought against the students or any student groups. Robert Corrigan, president ofc phone: (415) 338-1381 email: J.E. (Penny) Saffold,… Continue reading SFSU students back but disciplinary proceedings expected

SFSU students banned from campus after protest

Campus Antiwar Network FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FRIDAY, April 14, 2006 Contact: Karen Knoller, STUDENTS AT SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY DETAINED BY POLICE FOR CHANTING “MILITARY RECRUITERS GO HOME!” Press Conference: Monday, April 17, 2006, 11:00 AM SFSU, 19th Ave & Holloway Ave, San Francisco Ten students were forcibly removed today from the gymnasium at… Continue reading SFSU students banned from campus after protest

SFSU students banned from campus after protest

Campus Antiwar Network FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FRIDAY, April 14, 2006 Contact: Karen Knoller, (818) 554-5382, STUDENTS AT SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY DETAINED BY POLICE FOR CHANTING “MILITARY RECRUITERS GO HOME!” Press Conference: Monday, April 17, 2006, 11:00 AM SFSU, 19th Ave & Holloway Ave, San Francisco Ten students were forcibly removed today from the… Continue reading SFSU students banned from campus after protest