Campus Antiwar Network History - Page 6 of 7
Blogs Kent
State - solidarity/reports |
Antiwar Network - CAN news |
CAN 4th Annual National Conference Photo-Album -
Day 1
The conference was both a counter-recruitment conference (co-sponsored with MOOS-Bay) and CAN's 4th annual national conference, held in joint and separate sessions with many workshops.
Minutes of CAN national conference - Oct 22-23, Berkeley Student
antiwar activists chart way forward
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (CAN) and Aimee Allison bring delegates to their feet at CAN Conference.
generation won't go workshop "On
the Frontlines Counter-Recruitment San Francisco photo-album of 9/24 "College Not Combat - Relief not War" contingent DC march photo-album of 2000 strong "College Not Combat - Relief Not War" contingent. Self-Determination
and Unity in the Antiwar Movement| |
Post Conference Actions at SFSU and Kent State Kent State: "Hands Off Dave!" Sign Petition --- Send letter of Support David Airhart, veteran and Kent State student, speaking in Chicago on November 5th, describes murder and routine shooting of civilians in Iraq and prisoner abuse at Guantanamo
Dave Airhart, student and Marine veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, unfurling "Kent Ohio 4 Peace" banner on top of climbing rock wall erected by military recruiters at Kent State.
"Not only should Mr. Airhart not
be fined,
Dave Airhart in Combat
Defend David Airhart and free speech at Kent State University. David is a member of the Kent State Antiwar Coalition, a chapter of the Campus Antiwar Network. SFSU Students, a day after campus protest, line up to 'question' recruiters
See Kent State repression report BMCC VP, inspired by CAN action, evicts recruiters from Campus |
September 29, 2005 Charles Peterson, CAN student activist, after being maced by campus police during non-violent counter-recruitment protest at HCC. |
September 24, 2005
July 15, 2005 - Counter-Recruitment Students Speak
Out on Military Recruitment Hear and download (mp3) this great workshop by students, for students.
Jorge Torres (moderator), with presenters Hadas Thier, See also CAN Flyer - (doc) Counter-Recruitment
Gaining Strength as |
CAN Commentary July 9, 2005
Off Our Campus!" Repression 101: SFSU Sanctions
Students Defending
Our Right to Protest
CAN Actions and Reports Call for 9/24 Counter-Recruitment March Repression 101: SFSU Sanctions Students Newspaper
Open Letter "City College Four" Reinstated; criminal charges remain.
On-going/Upcoming On-Line
Petition April 11 Report
on April 5th Counter-Recruitment by April 9 April 8th stategy meeting at CCNY Defend CCNY Activists flyer (pdf) March 29, 2005
CAN Actions and Reports CIA
Cancels Recruiting Event NYU Students Keep CIA at Bay - Amy Odell
CAN made the first call by an independent national stdent network for a student contingent to the March 19. 2005 march in Fayetteville, NC. The large student and youth participation formed an exclamation point to the Campus Week of Resistance, Shown here are CAN organizers Christian Wright (GW), Catherine Geary (UNC-Wilmington) and Desmond Gadfrey (GSU). Catherine was the student outreach coordinator for the march and rally. See photo-album of march and audio index and photos of rally. March 1 - Student and Youth Contingent announced for March 19th Fayettville, NC Antiwar March. |
March 16, 2005 March 15 - College Not Combat - San Francisco March 9, 2005
CAN Leads Campus Protests Coast to Coast March 18 - DemocracyNow! interviews CAN organizers and CCNY staff person on counter-recruitment, campus resistance and free speech. Week of Campus Resistance - March 14-18, 2005 - CAN launches campaign with and Global Resistance Network. March 17, 2005 - Protesting Military Recruiters Leads to Arrests at City College - Amsterdam News March 17 - Action Plan and March 17 Protest - Defend Free Speech at City College, NY March 16 - Hunter Day of Action against the war in Iraq & military recruiters on campus - New York City
Update - CUNY students arrested - claim brutality by campus police March 15 - Counter-Recruitment Gaining Strength as Military Recruiters Target Campus Activists by Hadas Thier & Katrina Yeaw (also published by Counter-Punch) March 15 - Report from Southern CT State University Antiwar Coalition March 8, 2005 - "Why we say, Bring the Troops Home Now" - CAN pamphlet (pdf) - produced by NYU students March 6, 2005 - University of Illinois in Chicago students report on counter-recruitment |
January 20, 2005
Download CAN Flyer on SCCC action San Francisco Chronicle report Feeling a Draft? Poor Kids vs. Pentagon - Village Voice |
Action" Vol. II, No. 2
"Campus Action"
Vol. II, No. 1 (pdf) See CAN Counter-Inaugural
planning |
Interviewing the Student Antiwar Movement
Hear Monique and Kathleen's
June presentation at the Campus Antiwar Network website |
Student Organizers meet at Call for campuses to mobilize for January 20. Students "Redoubling" national efforts - opposing occupation of Iraq and Palestinian Land. |
CAN student organizers Jane Hong (past CC member) , Emily Goldstein (past CC) and Christian Wright. AP photo of Jane; other photos © 2004 Charles Jenks |
CAN student organizers Rachael Whitley (current CC), Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and Sherri Pegram (past CC) photos © 2004 Charles Jenks |
David Dashefsky, CAN CC member, (SUNY) Geneseo, speaking at CAN 3rd national conference. photo © 2004 Charles Jenks |
Students from the new CAN member organization at the City College of New York have kicked military recruiters off campus -- TWICE! They did this for the first time on November 4th. See photo album and media report. Thanks to Elizabeth Wrigley-Field for directing us to photos and report. |
<most recent - Page 7 - Page 6 - Page 5 - Page 4 - Page 3 - Page 2 - Page 1 - See also CAN's early history
Here, we present an index to the history of CAN from October 26, 2002 to the present. There is much that is not included, such as coverage of regional CAN conferences in other parts of the US (we're in the Northeast), and CAN's highly successful campus speaking tours (coordinated with partners such as the Muslim Students Association). We encourage people to visit for upcoming events, resources and information about CAN. Please consider ways to uplift this independent, democratic and grassroots student antiwar network. Special thanks to Katrina Yeaw, Kirstin Roberts, Emily Goldstein, Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Monique Dols, Desmond Gadfrey, and Phil Gasper for giving suggestions on content, contributing photographs or sending writings.